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How to earn 100 rupees per day without investment?

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In a world where financial independence is a coveted goal, the pursuit of earning money without any initial investment has become a widespread aspiration. Many individuals, especially in emerging economies like India, are eager to explore opportunities that allow them to earn a steady income without requiring significant upfront capital. In this article, we will delve into creative and viable ways to earn 100 rupees per day without any investment.

How to earn 100 rupees per day without investment?
How to earn 100 rupees per day without investment?


Top 10 Daily Earn Money Apps


Daily Earning App Daily Earning App Type Daily Earning App Strategy Rewards/Surveys Earn rewards by sharing internet connection and completing surveys.
Monetha Cashback/Rewards Get up to 60% cashback on purchases. Earn through surveys and in-app activities. Various withdrawal options available.
Shopkick Rewards/Cashback Earn points for tasks like visiting stores, scanning bar codes, and making purchases. Redeem for gift cards and cash.
Receipt Pal Rewards/Cashback Upload receipts for points. Redeem points for gift cards and cash prizes.
Sweatcoin Rewards/Fitness Earn virtual currency “Sweatcoins” by walking/running outdoors. Redeem for products and experiences.
Givvy Rewards Earn money by inviting friends. Cash out winnings to linked bank account.
Meesho Reselling Platform Resell products, handle orders, and shipments. Earn by promoting products and gaining orders.
Fiverr Freelance Marketplace Offer services in various fields. Increase rates and extras with improved performance.
Rakuten Cashback/Deals Earn cashback on purchases from various retailers. Exchange for gift cards and travel deals.
OfferUp Local Selling Platform Sell items locally or arrange shipping. Secure transactions ensured through fraud detection and automation.
Upwork Freelance Consulting Showcase qualifications, connect with clients, and work on projects in various fields. Pay for additional connects.

Top 10 Ways  to earn 100 rupees per day without investment?


One of the most accessible and flexible ways to earn money without investment is through freelancing. Various online platforms connect freelancers with clients seeking services ranging from writing and graphic design to programming and virtual assistance. Websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer offer a plethora of opportunities for individuals to showcase their skills and earn a decent income.


Online Surveys and Reviews:

Several companies pay individuals for sharing their opinions through online surveys and reviews. Signing up with reputable survey websites allows you to participate in market research and earn money in return. While the earnings may seem small per survey, the cumulative income can add up, helping you reach the 100-rupee target by dedicating some time each day.



Microtasking platforms provide opportunities to complete small online tasks in exchange for payment. These tasks can include data entry, image labeling, and content moderation. Websites like Amazon Mechanical Turk and Clickworker enable users to perform microtasks and earn money without any upfront investment.


Content Creation:

If you have a flair for content creation, platforms like YouTube and TikTok can be lucrative avenues. Creating engaging videos and building a substantial following can lead to monetization opportunities. Through ad revenue, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing, content creators can generate income without spending money upfront.


Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for every sale made through your referral. Many companies offer affiliate programs that allow you to earn money by sharing unique affiliate links. Utilize social media, blogs, or other online platforms to promote these links and earn commissions without any initial investment.


Online Tutoring:

If you possess expertise in a particular subject, consider offering online tutoring services. Numerous platforms connect students with tutors for various subjects. By sharing your knowledge, you can earn a steady income without the need for any upfront investment.


Virtual Assistance:

Entrepreneurs and businesses often seek virtual assistants to help with administrative tasks. If you have organizational skills and can handle tasks like email management, scheduling, and data entry, offering virtual assistance services can be a viable option to earn money without investing any capital.


Stock Photography:

If you have a knack for photography, consider selling your photos on stock photography websites. Each download earns you a royalty, providing a passive income stream. Platforms like Shutterstock and Adobe Stock welcome photographers to contribute their work without any initial investment.


Online Writing:

Freelance writing extends beyond traditional freelancing platforms. Numerous websites and blogs pay for well-written articles and content. Submitting your work to these platforms can help you earn money through writing without any upfront investment.


Participate in Online Contests:

Various online platforms host contests with cash prizes for winners. Whether it’s a writing competition, photography contest, or design challenge, participating in such contests provides an opportunity to showcase your skills and earn money without spending anything upfront.



  • Can I earn more than 100 rupees a day?
  • Are these methods sustainable in the long run?
  • How much time do I need to invest daily?
  • Is it possible to earn without any skills?
  • What if I don’t have access to the internet?
  • Are there any legal implications to consider?


Earning 100 rupees per day without investment is not only possible but can be achieved through a combination of creativity, skill, and dedication. The digital landscape offers a plethora of opportunities for individuals to leverage their talents and earn a steady income. By exploring the options mentioned in this article, you can embark on a journey towards financial independence without the need for any initial investment. Remember, success in these endeavors often requires consistency, perseverance, and a commitment to honing your skills over time.



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